When watching any of the video lessons from The Character Tree you may quickly recognize a Mister Rogers-type feel to our episodes, most notably through our use of puppets. Here are 3 reasons why puppets are an effective instructional tool to use with young children:

1. Familiarity
Puppets often embody human or animal-like traits, making them relatable to young children. When a puppet displays emotions, talks, and interacts with children it creates a connection, like that of a friend or playmate. These interactions lead to children developing an emotional connection with a puppet.
2. Playful
Puppets add an interactive and playful element to learning that can enhance a child’s social and emotional development. Children are naturally drawn to play. When puppets are incorporated into educational activities or storytelling they can provide positive models for communication skills, empathy, problem-solving, and conflict resolution.
3. Sense of Safety
Since puppets aren’t real, children feel less inhibited and more at ease when communicating with them. This sense of security encourages open and honest communication, which is essential for young children’s social and emotional development.
Puppets tap into a child’s innate sense of curiosity, imagination, and need for social interaction, making them engaging and highly relatable for young children.
As your students watch The Character Tree they will quickly get to know our familiar cast of puppets featured in every episode. Each puppet has a unique personality that students will connect with and some students may even see themselves reflected in the qualities of the puppets!