Establishing and clearly communicating expectations creates predictability for students, which contributes to a positive learning environment. Predictability in knowing what is expected allows students to feel safe, supported, and respected. These are all factors in nurturing a positive classroom community.
We’ve created a series of 12 video lessons that are designed to help you with clearly communicating your classroom expectations at the beginning of the school year. We recommend using our Classroom Expectations Bundle during the first couple weeks of the school year, and then revisiting any of the video lessons your students may need reminders with as the year progresses… especially after long breaks! We’ve put together an episode guide to help you with planning and navigating to each video. The guide includes links to the videos and can be saved on your desktop so you can easily click on the title and press “play” for your students. The guide is available as a pdf file and as Google Slides.

After completing the expectations lessons, use our Kindergarten or 1st Grade series throughout the remainder of the school year to further nurture a positive classroom community by teaching about character traits such as kindness, empathy, perseverance, and more!